Houses, Rooms and Prayer Towers
“On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set guards, who will never be silent all day and all night; you who will remember the Lord, rest not, nor give him rest until he restores Jerusalem and makes her the object of praise in the earth.”
isaiat 62:6-7
"To intercede is to put yourself in another's place and plead his cause as if it were your own. It is to stand between God and men, on their behalf, taking their place and sensing their need for such way that he fights in prayer until victory in the life of the one for whom he intercedes."
Valnice Milhomens – The Power of Intercession
Houses of Prayer
The House of Prayer is the fruit of the united and gathered CHURCH, it does not belong to a congregation, it seeks the establishment of the KINGDOM in a city or region, and the maintenance of measures of prayer and worship until the Kingdom of the LORD is established.
A fixed place where several people, groups or ministries gather to pray 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for common goals (such as the prayer guidelines we provide).
See the one closest to you.
Prayer Rooms
Exclusive place dedicated to the practice of prayer – individual, congregational and regional impact
The room is an environment within a congregation set aside exclusively for the use of people who will intercede for the interests of the congregation and the city. It begins when any denomination decides to designate a room for the exclusive practice of prayer.
See the one closest to you.
prophetic towers
One Body, one goal, one vision, one Kingdom, THE LORD over region, city, state and nation!
A mobilization of intercessors to cover the region in prayer.
Systematic meetings of united prayer, involving 3 or more ministries or congregations, in the same place, with the same objectives of prayer and intercession, with a vision of transformation for the city and the nation.
See if there is a tower deployment near you.
For the establishment of these 3 bases (Houses, Rooms and Towers) it is understood that it is necessary to mobilize the Body of Christ (CHURCH) of a city, region and nation that goes beyond its structural operational diversity, to propose to pray in unit for its transformation.
Brazil on Knees works through mobilizers with the role of inspiring and activating the Church, its remnants, those called and oriented to intercession, within its sphere of action to establish “walls” and “guards” in the Brazilian nation.