Prophetic Circuit
Brazil 2022
A time of improvement for prayer warriors, and also of empowerment for those who have a calling and want to act as intercessors in favor of the transformation of the nation.
We will be in a special window, 200 years of our country's Independence, where we will take advantage of the opportunity to release decrees of Justice, Shalom and the Government of Christ over Brazil!
September 1st to 7th
4 days ofSentinel Training(online)
What is the Priesthood of All Saints
Awakening the Sentinels
The Generate in GOD
Knowing Prayer 24/7
What is War Prayer?
The Watchman's Anointing
Jesus, our Intercessor, our Model
Royal Guards, Guarding the Leaders
Churches that Pray
Practical Actionon the 7th of September

Hudson Medeiros
Married to Risselma Teixeira who serves at his side; father and grandfather; Bachelor of Theology and researcher of history. It has an apostolic relationship with several local churches and in some cities in Brazil.

Elianne Suzuki
He currently serves the body of Christ from Brasília - DF, together with his daughters, mainly in the master and pastoral service.

John Achur
Married to Camila Achor, they serve Corpo de Cristo from São Paulo - SP. They mobilize the prayer tower in São Paulo and also support local pastors and ministries.

Joab Scheidegger
Married to Cleide Félix; father. Teacher and psychopedagogue. Apprentice at the Brazil Knee Training Center.

Marcelo Ferreira
Married to Eid de Souza, they are directors of the Missionary Base Casa de Prayer - DF. Bachelor's degree in Theology and postgraduate degree in Higher Education Teaching. They also lead the worship and prophetic intercession Roar Movement.
Prophetic Circuit
Brazil 2022
September 1st to 4th– There will be 4 days ofSentinel Training(online), fundamentals, principles and activation of the intercessory call.
September 7– A National Convocation, aProphetic Circuitin the states and capitals, around the Houses of Law, Government Houses, Houses of Justice, claiming and proclaiming apostolic-prophetic decrees so that there is alignment of the Brazilian Church and Nation with the purposes of GOD for the new season that is to come.
Prophetic Circuit
What is the Prophetic Circuit?
It is a time for training and qualifying intercessory prayer warriors in favor of the transformation of the nation.
What is the purpose of the Circuit?
Present a biblical teaching on the meaning and importance of "watchmen at the gates" of the states, in the houses of law, houses of government and houses of justice. In a practical way, on the 200th anniversary of the proclamation of Independence, manifest a release of decrees of peace and justice, under the rule of Christ, through intercession.
How will it work? What's the dynamic?
We will have 4 days of immersion, online training, with ministers from some Brazilian states, and the objective is that sentinels will be raised and positioned in all territories on this historic date.
How can I participate or mobilize from my region?
The Training is open to all those who identify with the call to intercession. We make a national call for the remnant to gather in a prophetic circuit around the houses of law, justice and municipal government, claiming and proclaiming prophetic decrees for the realignment of Heaven's purposes for our nation.
4 days of SENTINELAS Training (ONLINE) + Practical Action
September 1st to 4th – SENTINEL TRAINING
7/Sep – APractical Action
7:30 pm to 10 pm (YouTube)
3pm to 5:30pm (YouTube)
7:30 pm to 10 pm (YouTube)
9 am to 12 pm (YouTube)
9 am to 12 pm