The LORD, the Kingdom, the Messiah, Israel, the Church, the Fundamentals...
With the aim of being a facilitator, platform and support for the Church of Christ, we share fundamentals of the Christian faith for the edification of the Body of Christ, at an individual and collective level.
The wordfoundationmeans base, foundation, foundation. In analogy with the construction of a building, the foundation is the first step to be carried out, not being possible any construction without it. In analogy to a tree, the foundations are the roots that support, firm and are the organ that absorbs all nutrients for the good development of that tree.
In short,Fundamentalsit is the set of principles and values that support and validate our faith.
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This is a great place to tell people more about your business.

This is a great place to tell people more about your business and the services you offer. Want to customize this content? Is easy.

Kingdom is a form of government in which authority resides with a king. This government extends over all territories and peoples that are under the king's rule. In biblical times, most peoples were ruled by kings. Therefore nations were called kingdoms...

This is a great place to tell people more about your business and the services you offer. Want to customize this content? Is easy.